Welcome to Evangelic Church 'The Door' Maastricht
Evangelic Church The Door Maastricht makes part of the Christian Fellowship Ministries. CFM is a cooperation of over 3,500 churches in 130 countries.
You are welcome to visit our services in our church building at Dolmansstraat 4, Maastricht.
Sundays 11:00 (11h00 am)
Sundays 18:00 (6h00 pm)
Wednesdays 19:30 (7h30 pm)
Translation services
Please notify us before the service if you wish to receive an English translation.
Si vous désirez une traduction en français, veuillez nous la notifier avant le commencement du sermon.
Si Ud. desee un traducción al español, favor de nos informar antes el comienzo del servicio.
Wenn Sie ein Übersetzung auf Deutsch erlangen, bitte bevor der Anfang des Dienstes ankündigen.
Upcoming activities
Church building
The church building
Located at the Lochtmanhuis in the Limmel neighbourhood in Maastricht
Take the entrance on your left.
Address: Dolmansstraat 4, Maastricht
Click here for contact details.
Get to know God as your personal Friend
Many people find it hard to make the right choices in life. They cope with questions such as:
Is there a God? If yes, which God then?
- What's after death?
- Is there a way out from my problems?
- Does God want to help me too?
- Why am I not experiencing anyhing from God?
- Can you be sure that your sins are forgiven?
- How can I be sure whether I may go to heaven?
- Why do bad things happen to good people?
So many answers at so many questions can be found, but what is truth? It is only God Himself who can provide answers to these questions. We only will receive them after having asked Jesus for forgiveness and Him to come in our heart. We will experience them if we allow God to change our life. The good news then is: every person is born with a potential! God wants to give you a new life and a destiny - and be a Friend to you above all.
Experience the life-changing power of Jesus.
Come visit one of our services!